I quit my job and decided to go backpacking. Below are my updates from the trail. I hope to just post enough pictures and details to make you all jealous. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jokecamp/ - Joe

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Capital City: Canberra

Canberra Parliament, originally uploaded by jokecamp.

I've in Canberra now enjoying the sights of Australia's capital. Its a small city. Built only because Sydney and Melbourne both wanted to become the capital and they could not come to an agreement. Hence a city built an inconvenient distance from both was established. There's not to much to the planned city. The streets are wide and sparse. The security of the Parliament building was practically non existent. You could walk in and view the Senate and House of Representatives meeting places in less than five minutes. Unfortunately the Parliament is in summer session but the architecture of the building is pretty impressive.

One of the more impressive sights to see is the water fountain in the lake that shoots water over 100 meters into the air. Needless to say it is time to move on.

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